由一批青年艺术家自由组合的《星星画展》在北京 中国美术馆门前展出。这是中国大陆现代派艺术作品第 一次面世。
27 September The first Stars Exhibit opens in the park to the east of the China Art Gallery in Beijing. Works are hung on the iron fence surrounding 28 September Police arrive on the scene and announce the closing of the exhibit 29 September An official announcement declares the exhibit illegal 1 October On China's National Day, marking the thirtieth anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic, the Stars organize a protest march. Starting our from the Xidan Democracy Wall, the demonstrators go to the headquarters of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee 23 November-2 December The First Stars Exhibit is held in the Huafang Studio in Beihai Park, Beijing. Total attendance is estimated at 200,000.
1979 -9-27 第一次星星画展在中国美术馆东面的街区公园里展出。 9-28 民警赶到展出现场,画展停止。 9-29 一个公告称这个展览是不合法的。 10-1 国庆节, 星星成员组织抗议游行。 从西单民主墙出发,到北京市政府。 11-23至12-3日 星星画展在北海公园 Huafang Studio 展出。 参观人数达到200,000.
1980 初夏,星星成员成立“星星画会”。 成员有黄锐, 马德升, 严力, 王克平,曲磊磊 , 毛栗子,薄云, 钟阿城, 邵飞,李爽,艾未未
8-24 至9-7。 中国美术馆举办第二次星星画展。 ------------------------------------------------------- 下图:西单民主墙时的情景